The session began with the definition of Marketing and the factors that depends on successfully marketing a product. While explaining the above factors he gave more stress on the following
· The Person behind
· Product awareness
· Customer awareness
He shared various effective marketing quotes with us, which is...
· Customer is Business: Business is People: People are customers
· Customer is the Profit; everything else is overhead.
· If I Don’t go , I don’t get
· “I will try” has done wonders.
· Agreement gets better results that argument.
· You are either GROWING or GOING OUT of Business
· The more people TRUST you, the more people BUY from you.
· More the PROSPECTS you MEET, more the FORETHOUGH WINS.
· Customer forget very quickly; thefore give fast and impressive service.
· The essence of marketing is to create customers.
· If you are not busy meeting customers, you’re forcing them to visit your competitors.
· Observe your competitors for they first find out your faults.
· Having high quality won’t be enough. It must be offered at a lower price.
· The journey of a thousand miles (ie. A difficult sales call begins with first sales call)
· Many a “LOST” sale has been saved by a final try.
· Marketing may be applied commonsense, but it will need a good deal of training your
commonsense and making practical use of it.
· A customer call which is put off till tomorrow is usually never made. Do it now!
· Evaluate a lost sale.
· Marketing is easy! It is the most “COMMONSENSICAL” of any profession.
· We do not always buy products; we often buy images.
· Your image can never be stolen. Everything else can be stolen
· Markets are dynamic; customers keep changing.
· Customers wants answer s to their problems
· LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN to your customers.
· Solve the small problem of your customer today
The Vocabulary…..
Sometime our vocabulary plays a good role in marketing a product, while considering it; he gave some important tips on effective marketing vocabulary, which seems very beneficial to us.
How to delight your customer….
He put more stress on “customer service”, because we can sell products to customer only one time after that we can sell services many times to the customers.
Effective customer service is the only thing which can overcome several laciness of our product. If a customer is delighted with our services, he can naturally communicate it with others, which is beneficial to us over our competitors.
He indexed ABC of customer services which seems like:
A- Acknowledge
B- Be there
C- Communication
D- Do the right things
E- Exceed expectations
F- Friends
G- Greeting
H- Heart
I- Integrity
J- Judgment
K- Know the customer
L- Leadership
M- Make it easy
N- Name
O- One stop shopping
P- Patience and perseverance
Q- Questions
R- Respect the elders
S- Stress
T- Thanks
U- Understand
V- Vision
W- Wow
X- Xtra special
Y- Yes
Z- Zeal
The truth….
In our English vocabulary there is an effective term “CUSTOMER”, customer is only living creature in the world, who has a coin in his hand, which decides the successfulness of your product.
Remember that….
Next time when you go to your customer, please remember the ABC of customer service.
The sessions ended with an “interactive questions session” in which we asked many doughts to him about effective marketing.
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